Mulla Sadra's Commentary and Glosses on Ilahiyyat al-Shifa  (2 volumes)

Mulla Sadra is one of the philosophers who has written a commentary and some glosses on Ilahiyyat al-shifa. His intention here was to explain the phrases of al-Shifa and clarify Ibn Sina's view. Since al-Shifa is an instructional book at a supreme level, Mulla Sadra has tried to make this invaluable work more usable to the seekers of divine knowledge at that level. Therefore, his work also enjoys the characteristics of a textbook.

The first volume of this book consists of three articles. The first has eight chapters. Chapters one to four are on the subject, advantages, and problems of divine knowledge, and chapters five to eight discuss existents and objects and their types, the Necessary Being, the possible being, and terms such as truth, veracity, and mother of propositions.

The second article consists of four chapters on substance and the discussions related to form and matter.

The third article, which is the final article of the first volume, discusses various issues concerning accidental categories in ten chapters.

The second volume of the book continues the first volume and includes three articles. This volume deals with the following issues:

The fourth article consists of three chapters and explains the issues that, in a sense, occur to existent qua existent, such as the precedent and the antecedent, the created and the pre-eternal, the perfect and the imperfect, etc.

The fifth article has been organized in nine chapters and deals with the existence of universals and states of quiddities. Mulla Sadra first discusses certain general issues in seven principles and then explains Ibn Sina's words concerning the related chapters.

The sixth article consists of six chapters and is on the knowledge and features of causes. At the end, Mulla Sadra argues that the end is the most supreme part of prime philosophy.

Mulla Sadra's Commentary and Glosses on Ilahiyyat al-shifa, written by Ibn Sina, has been published with edition, research, and Introduction by Dr. Najafquli Habibi under the supervision of Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei, along with different indexes of verses, hadiths, poems, names of people, etc., in 1241 pages in two volumes by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute.